The Avengers: United They Stand - S01
The Avengers: United They Stand - S01
Oct 30, 1999
Linda Ballantyne, Tony Daniels, Ron Rubin, Martin Roach, Rod Wilson, Lenore Zann, Stavroula Logothettis
Seasons (1)
Episodes (13)
1. Avengers Assemble (1)2. Avengers Assemble (2)3. Kang4. Comes a Swordsman5. Remnants6. Command Decision7. To Rule Atlantis8. Shooting Stars9. What a Vision Has to Do10. Egg-Streme Vengeance11. The Sorceress's Apprentice12. Earth and Fire (1)13. Earth and Fire (2)
Synopsis The Avengers: United They Stand - S01
When the planet is threatened by Super Villains, time traveling conquerors, alien invaders, mythical monsters or mad robots bent on the total destruction of humanity, when the forces of evil are so overwhelming that no single hero has the power to save the world, when there is no hope left…the AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!
- Linda Ballantyne
- Tony Daniels
- Ron Rubin
- Martin Roach
- Rod Wilson
- Lenore Zann
- Stavroula Logothettis