Desperate Cargo

Desperate Cargo
Desperate Cargo
Jul 04, 1941
Ralph Byrd, Carol Hughes, Jack Mulhall, Julie Duncan, I. Stanford Jolley, Kenneth Harlan, Richard Clarke, Johnstone White

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Desperate Cargo

Synopsis Desperate Cargo

When two showgirls decide to leave South America and head for home, they sweet talk the purser of a clipper ship into giving them berths. In the course of the voyage, a band of thieves attempts to take over the ship and make off with its cash cargo. The heroic purser has other ideas and weighs in to save the day.

  • PRC
  • Ralph Byrd
  • Carol Hughes
  • Jack Mulhall
  • Julie Duncan
  • I. Stanford Jolley
  • Kenneth Harlan
  • Richard Clarke
  • Johnstone White

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