Synopsis Greys
"Asura Tiger" is a Famed Security Company based in Yangon providing a variety of services all related to security such as Body-guarding. Asura is trusted by celebrities and even big-time politicians. Despite their acclaimed status, Asura Tiger also has a plethora of enemies from various corners of the underworld in Myanmar. "Goudou" is a 20-year-old Asura Tiger Employee, one of their brightest prospects and a hardened young man, Goudou is an individual who has grown indifferent to the everyday horrors of the Myanmar underworld.....that is until he is one day confronted by his past.
- Asiatis Barons
- Lolong
- Kaung Zan Hein
- Aye Pan Pan May
- Thaw Zin Htoo
- Nanda
- Hira Gi
- Htet Arkar